
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Rocks and Minerals Unit Study, Version II

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We really like rocks and minerals! We've had units on rocks and minerals, geology, volcanoes, caves, and Yellowstone in the past. Each one has had a little bit different focus, depending on what the children are interested in at the time! It's strange to think that after all the rockhounding we've done, there are still places the little kids have never visited!

Here is my Pinterest Board for this Rocks and Minerals Unit II, and here's the previous Rocks and Minerals Unit we did back in 2013.

There are some good geology-related activities on the Yellowstone Unit board and the more general Geology Unit board, too.

A couple miscellaneous pictures:
Earth's layers flip book. We just winged it (wung it?). But here's another way to make this earth model.
And from our field trip to the Natural History Museum. Always fun stuff to see there!