
About our Homeschool

By age, our children are in the following grades (2023-24 school year):

Abraham, college sophomore (school on hold while he is on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
Sebastian, starting college this year
Malachi, 10th grade age but basically in 11th grade (splitting his time between public high school and homeschool)
Daisy, 9th grade
Juniper, 7th grade
Marigold, 5th grade
Theodore, 3nd grade
Ezekiel, kindergarten

We also have Gus (3.5) and Baby Clementine (2) tagging along!

We use a variety of homeschool methods, primarily Unit Studies we write ourselves. We rely heavily on our county's excellent inter-library loan system!

For math, we are currently using Life of Fred and Saxon math.
For spelling, we are currently using Rod and Staff.
For grammar, we are currently using The Language Mechanic and Easy Grammar Plus
For handwriting, we are currently using Handwriting Without Tears and A Reason for Handwriting.
Around kindergarten age, we have taught the children to read using this book.
The younger ones also enjoy these little workbooks!

Marilyn also blogs here.
Sam was a Concept Artist for Disney, and he now teaches in the Center for Animation at Brigham Young University. He also teaches classes online at His work can be found here.

I usually update this blog (and date the posts retroactively) at the end of the school year.

You can also read a little about Why We Homeschool here.

You can reach me at marilyn (dot) nielson (at) byu (dot) net.


  1. Hi there! I wasn't able to find your contact information to send you an email, but I just wanted to let you know we've featured your Homemade Kids Drums craft in one of our recent round-up posts. Here's the link, if you'd like to take a look:

    Keep up the great work! :)

    1. Thanks, Suzy! I've added my email address above, too. :)
