Saturday, May 17, 2014

Chocolate Modeling Clay; Chocolate Roses

This is a really simple and fun activity: making chocolate modeling clay! You mix melted chocolate and corn syrup to make the clay, and after it cools and hardens a bit, you knead it and it becomes moldable. Then you can make all sorts of fun things with it! It is only a little bit messy (if your hands get too warm, it can make you sticky) but lots of fun! If the clay does get sticky, let it sit for a few minutes to harden again, or hold your hands around the outside of a cup of ice water to make them cooler. (Dry them well before using the clay again, though!)
Here is where I found the recipe. I'll copy it here:

Chocolate Modeling Clay

10 oz. semi-sweet chocolate
1/3 c. light corn syrup

Melt the chocolate in the microwave, then add corn syrup and stir till it forms a ball. Spread the mixture onto parchment paper and let it cool for an hour or two. Then pick it up and knead it until it's soft enough to work with.

So easy, eh?
The chocolate roses are really easy to make, too. You start by rolling 8-10 little balls, all the same size. Flatten the balls into very thin discs, and elongate them until they are more of a teardrop shape. Leave one disc roughly circular, though---this will be your rose center.

Roll the circular disc up into a tube that is thinner on one end--like a teepee
Add one of the teardrop-shaped discs on either side of it
Keep adding petals around, moving down slightly with each new round. Fan the petals out slightly at the top of the rose.
You can make any size of rose, or put fewer petals on to make rosebuds. I liked the tiny roses best, which started with little balls about the size of raisins. The flatter you can make your discs, the more delicate your petals will look.

These roses will harden after a couple days and can be stored in a cool dark place (in a plastic container) for up to a year!
The children made some pretty great creations with their chocolate clay.

And they had a little taste now and then, of course! :)

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