Last time, we made colonial tricorne hats for the boys. It was a cool project, but quite involved, and since we still have the hats I didn't think it was worth doing it again! We just got out our old hats for the little boys to wear. Ziggy (the hat-lover) was SO PLEASED to wear his. He wore it all the time for weeks. Maybe months.
He was always marching around outside or inside, often singing or holding a musket of some sort. Funny boy.
We also made mob caps during our previous unit, and they were really cute, but I just had to sew them myself because the children were too young to help. They probably could have handled it this time, but we were pressed for time that week and I finally just ended up having us make these simple new-sew versions. They were cute too, though the other ones are more authentic. Here is a link to the simple version:

The girls were really interested in colonial clothing, and we found some cool videos that showed in a lot of detail how the upper classes and the lower classes would have dressed.
Daisy was quite inspired after viewing these videos, and made herself a very authentic colonial outfit, complete with underclothing and long woolen stockings with garters.
For our end-of-unit celebration, we watched our favorite movie about the Constitution ("A More Perfect Union") and the children dressed up as people from the time of the Revolutionary War. Daisy was George Washington (in this portrait).

We had red, white, and blue jello (using this recipe, and making the white layer with unflavored gelatin, sour cream, and whipped cream).
Junie went through several costume iterations. This one was her dressed as the haughty King George III.
And Goldie was the lovely Martha Washington!
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