Monday, August 28, 2023

A Place of Refuge

I can't believe how long ago the beginning of last school year feels! And here it is time to start the school year again and I'm just barely getting to posting about it! We had a great year. It was Ziggy's first year, his kindergarten year, and (once he got used to the idea) he was such a fun and happy little student! He always wanted to know what we were learning about next and what our activity was for the day, and was very disappointed if there wasn't one!

Anyway, we had a nice High Tea for our back-to-school dinner, and it was so delicious! The girls and I have been out to a few Afternoon Teas and we always feel they are lacking something. Quality or quantity. So this time we did it right—made all our best homemade tea foods, and enough of them that one could finally have one's fill!
Our family theme for the school year was "A Place of Refuge." I talked about how we could make our home a place of safety and love. We decorated with Wildlife Refuge and Bird Refuge signs and animal balloons.
The tea was SO good. We had cucumber, chicken salad, and egg salad sandwiches, homemade scones (I've never made English scones before! They were good) with lemon curd and raspberry jam, little lemon curd and chocolate mousse tarts, and cream cheese brownies. We also had hot chocolate and raspberry-leaf tea.
To help us remember our theme, I gave the girls little bird necklaces and the boys socks with manta rays (and other animals? Now I'm forgetting what they were!) on them.
It was a great start to the school year!

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