Friday, August 4, 2023

Memorizing the Gettysburg Address

I challenged the children to memorize the Gettysburg Address and told them there would be a reward if they did so! Daisy, who always accepts a challenge, was the first to get it memorized, and I assumed would be the ONLY one to do so. But when the others saw her eating the RitterSport candy bar I gave her, they were galvanized into action, and they ALL ended up getting it memorized! Well, Junie, Goldie, and Teddy, I mean. I'm sure Malachi could have done it (he often memorizes 10-minute-long oratories for Debate!) but he didn't bother. :)

One day when I was talking to Abe on the phone (he's on a church mission in Texas right now) I asked him if he still remembered the Gettysburg Address. He said he didn't but he could probably do parts of it if you got him going! I think it was lots easier for me to re-learn it this time, having done it before. It's really just those last three long sentences that are the hardest.

Somehow I didn't take a video of Teddy yet! But I will update this if he still remembers it. Anyway, here are the rest of the children reciting it, for posterity. 

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