Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Making modeling chocolate

We made modeling chocolate a long time ago and had enough fun to try it again. I can't say it tastes very good, honestly. The linked post talks about how much better it is than fondant, but that is a low, low bar. We also had a little trouble not having it get all sticky after a while. You do need to keep it coldish…but not too cold. Maybe we'd be able to get it more exactly right after a few tries? It was a fun way to work with chocolate, anyway. I especially think the white chocolate in pastel colors is pretty for cake decorating!  

Here's the recipe from King Arthur Flour:
Dark modeling chocolate

1 1/3 cups (227 g) chopped semisweet chocolate (not chips)
1/3 cup (103g) light corn syrup

White modeling chocolate

1 1/3 cups (227g) chopped white chocolate (not chips)
1/3 cup (103g) light corn syrup

1. In a heatproof bowl set over simmering water (or in a double boiler), melt the chocolate. Stir constantly until melted; don’t let its temperature rise above 110°F. Remove from the heat.

2. Warm the corn syrup to 110°F, add to the melted chocolate, and stir until the mixture is uniform. It will look grainy at first but smooth out as you keep stirring.

3. Allow the mixture to cool, then cover and let rest at room temperature for 2 hours. It will set up and become quite stiff.

4. When you’re ready to use it, take a chunk and work it in your hands until it softens. From this point you can tint it with gel colors, roll it out and cut it with decorative cutters, or shape it any way you choose, like modeling clay; the chocolate will set once more as it cools.
Chocolate Gnomie
Tiny police car Junie made for Ziggy
Tiny chocolate rose
Chocolate Bendigo??!
I made cupcakes and said each person could decorate two of them however he or she pleased. (Some children did more.) These were my two! Simple.
I loved these rose ones!
Cute nature themes
Junie's fish and pig
Gus's chocolate Caw
Ziggy's dots and police car
I'm actually not sure what this one is. A penguin next to a duck? A penguin in a canoe? A Caw in a bird airplane?
Daisy's cupcakes
Ace of Clubs cupcake Daisy made for Malachi
Teddy's witch hat and…Eiffel Tower?? Trumpet?
Goldie's bunny with egg and beautiful pink roses (with butterfly). So pretty!
And here they all are together. They do look very pretty!

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