Monday, May 6, 2024

Field Trip to Mrs. Cavanaugh's

We have visited Mrs. Cavanaugh's, before but it was a long time ago! We have liked these field trips before, and we did this time too. You don't get to go into the factory area but you can watch someone hand-dipping chocolates through a window (our favorite part; she did it so quickly and expertly, tempering the chocolate on the table) and there's a little video the kids like. Here is the website link to their tours:
I had a strange feeling sitting here watching the film with my kids, remembering other times when I was there nursing a baby, holding a child on my lap, juggling coats and trying to run a toilet-training toddler to the bathroom with the baby under one arm. This time it was so easy. I just sat there and held Clementine and watched the movie.
The tour costs money (I think it's $5 each or something?) but you get most of it back to spend at their little outlet store. That was the kids' favorite part—we got a box of chocolates and each child got to pick out two or three of them. They loved choosing from all the different kinds and flavors. We also liked deciphering the symbols on top afterwards to tell which one was which!

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