Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Chocolate Tempering Activity

Tempering chocolate is one of those things that seems hard until you learn about it, and then it seems easy, and then it seems hard again the more you learn about it. (Sourdough bread is the same way.) Keeping your chocolate in temper is fairly simple on the face of it, and yet when you're dipping chocolates, sometimes it is delicate and gets out of temper for no discernible reason, even though it seems like you should easily be able to get it perfect every time. 

Anyway, we learned all about tempering chocolate, why it works the way it does and the underlying chemical processes. And then we tempered (and un-tempered) a bunch of chocolate and dipped things in it. Yum! Even though it all tastes good, you really do miss that textural snap when the chocolate is properly in temper (Phase V crystal formation).

And here is the link to our previous unit's chocolate tempering day!
Ooh, look how shiny these pretzels are. Perfect. 
A lovely assortment of dipped items
Out of temper, in temper
Out of temper (fat bloom)
A beautiful white chocolate dipped strawberry
Junie's bunny strawberry!
Gus's strawberry

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