Monday, May 27, 2024

Making truffles and chocolate-covered caramels

I thought these chocolate-dipped caramels were the best we'd ever made, but looking at last time, I'm not totally sure—they were pretty beautiful last time too. I don't know why we don't make these more often. Well, of course I know—they are time-consuming, and it's a big project to get everything out and put it away—but for how good they are, it isn't THAT hard. Every once in a while Sam will get me some chocolates from our favorite place in Salt Lake, Hatch Family Chocolates. They are delicious and so expensive. About $50 for a box of twenty-four.

We figured out that we can make the same amount of these chocolate caramels, even if we buy the nice dipping chocolate from Gygi, for about a third of that price. And we can easily make three times the amount for very little more work.

I understand why they charge so much! It is hard work, finicky, done by hand, and you probably have to factor in expensive equipment (a tempering machine is a few hundred dollars even for a small one) and maybe some failed batches. But we still thought, after seeing how well our own chocolates turned out and how good they tasted (just as good as Hatch's…if we do say so ourselves…and maybe, to my taste, even better!) that maybe we could try our hand at selling these at Christmas time or for Valentine's Day. I think the girls could make some good money doing that!
While the taste of our chocolates is great, our dipping technique is a work in progress. We got better as we went along!
We re-used the chocolate box we got from our Mrs. Cavanaugh's field trip to hold our own chocolates. Daisy made a beautiful little label for it.
We made up a box to give to Abe and my mom (he was living at her house at the time).
They were SO GOOD. I wish we still had some! We also tried our hands at raspberry and orange cream centers, which provided some delicious variety to the box, but I will put those in a different post!

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