One of the best things that came out of learning more about bunnies was that we felt so much more confident making things for our bunny (his name is Nutmeg, but as I told my friend, the word "bunny" so perfectly expresses the concept of "a bunny," I have a hard time NOT using it to refer to him!) to play with! There are lots of places online that tell about Bunny Behavior (here and here, for example) and also lots of good ideas for DIY bunny toys:
More, some with videos
We really liked this post, too.

The kids had great fun making these little treat balls for our Nutmeg.
He quite liked this toy we made for him, too.
And he wasn't the only one . . . :)
My absolute favorite thing, though, is the great enthusiasm and dedication with which Seb, especially, has thrown himself into making life fun for Nutmeg. His life's Aim and Ambition is to make little Bunny Houses which Nutmeg will enjoy, and he's good at it! Here is one house Seb made;
Here we are looking into the door of the house. That's a little toy dangling from the roof that Nutmeg can bat at (you can put a bit of carrot or other treat inside). Behind the toy you can see the ramp up to the upper level, which is visible above and to the right of the doorway.
Top view---showing the various ramps and levels. And little Nutmeg has actually used them all!
Here's another little house Sebby built. It's hilarious to see Nutmeg go in down below, then go up the ramp and squeeeze himself out of the top hole. So cute!
Sebby is SO happy every time Nutmeg uses one of his toys or houses. Look at his excited, delighted face!
And we'll end with a few Gratuitous Bunny Pictures
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