Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Day Party

I didn't plan for the Babies Unit to be going on over Valentines Day, but it was kind of fun to be talking about love and babies at that time. We had a Valentine's Day party where we didn't do much regular school work, but we did have some good discussion about what are different kinds of love, who we love, how we show our love to different people, and so on.

We had lots of fun making these heart animals, for which we got the idea here. They were simple enough to make and the kids had fun making up their own too. Since we were doing this ON Valentine's Day, it meant all our valentines got to their recipients late, but oh well.

I believe in simple---I mean really simple---parties, so the only other craft we did was these paper swirl roses, which are the easiest thing ever. You just cut out a spiral of paper, roll it up, and stick a pipe cleaner through it. No gluing or anything. The instructions and template are here.

Then we just made caramels (the recipe is at that link as part of the Homemade Twix bars) and then melted chocolate and poured it on top. We sprinkled sea salt over the chocolate, cut them into heart shapes and boxed them up for people. They were SO good. The chocolate didn't stick to the caramel that well, I'm not sure why. It kind of slid around. But it didn't matter because they tasted so good! Yum!

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